

מבחר ביטויים למצגות עסקיות

דוגמא לחומר כתוב ומסגרות שימושיות Templates בחוברת אותה מקבל כל לומד בקורסים לשיפור פרזנטציות עסקיות


I would like to report on...the results ...


I would like to give an overview of/about...the development of the new project


I will talk about ...some important changes...


I am going to show how...this can be implemented...


I will make some recommendations ...regarding the issue of...


I will ... in reference to... the suggestion to...





 שיפור כתיבה במייל  -  EMAIL expressions for Business English writing

דוגמא לחומר כתוב ומסגרות כתיבה Templates בחוברת אותה מקבל כל לומד בקורסים לשיפור כתיבה במייל



"How to make requests"


You are kindly requested to ... answer/ fill in ...... the following form/ questions / questionnaire /


We would be grateful if you could ... send us... / fill in the below requested information... before our meeting...on August 18th


In order to further assist you it would be essential / necessary to... receive the answers to the following questions... by the end of the month


Please , could you... let us know...notify us... regarding the required change ... for the exhibition in July


We would appreciate it if you could ... refer to.../ elaborate regarding.../ fill in the below requested information...before our conference call ... 




תקשורת טלפונית


דוגמא לחומר כתוב ומסגרות כתיבה Templates בחוברת אותה מקבל כל לומד בקורסים תקשורת טלפונית 


 Confirming details on the phone.


Let me get that right. Your phone number is 20291604677

Let me just confirm that. You are arriving on November 17

I understand that your flight has been delayed.

OK. I've got that now. You will stay at the Hilton.